Automating Processes on a Production Line: What Businesses Must Do

To upscale a production, a business should utilize a conversion from manual to automated processes. There needs to be precision, efficiency, and speed to meet the high production capacity requirement of any plant. Humans are prone to error, meaning that they are more likely to cause bottlenecks and losses. On the other hand, machines can handle raw materials and products at a fast rate and with greater efficiency so long as they are programmed and designed correctly.

Unfortunately, not all processes can be mechanized as there might not be equipment capable of specific intricate procedures. For instance, in juice production, some seeds must be removed entirely from the fruit by hand. Some seeds are so toxic or poisonous that a trace in the liquid can cause harm. In these cases, it is difficult to find a kind of equipment that can remove the seeds altogether as the machine might release the toxins into the juice.

However, for industries involved in manufacturing, it must be a goal to fully automate procedures if they want to meet the growing demand for their products. Without automation, companies will find it challenging to keep up with competitors as automation also reduces the cost of production. Learn about some key parts to automate on a production line.

Pumping and Bottling Machines

Accuracy is essential when a specified weight or volume is to be transferred from one workstation to the other. This is why automation will be a more efficient way to bottle products such as liquids, gels, sauces, etc. A machine like a benchtop piston filler can be programmed to accurately and precisely transfer a portion of the product into its packaging.

At the same time, pumping machines can move around liquids or other materials in specific amounts and at particular rates. They can easily be modified through a code on a computer to follow instructions. This avoids unnecessary losses and excess during production, making them ideal components of any process that requires the transfer of products.

Reducing waste is a crucial aspect of efficient production. By putting the right amount in each packet or bottle, the company will be adhering to the weight or volume specified on the packaging. Both of these result in a higher number of products produced for a set input of raw materials.

Conveyor Belts

a conveyor belt

Since raw materials will be transferred in bulk, it will be dangerous for humans to move them around in heavy amounts. Even if they use trolleys, it will still take a lot of time. This can also cause losses as there are higher chances of spills and damage due to human error.

Incorporating conveyor belts into production will save time and require less manpower. It is also a safer way for them to work as they will not have to lift heavy objects, an activity that often leads to a herniated disc problem. Once the transportation of raw materials or products is conducted through a conveyor belt, it can get from point A to point B at a faster rate with minimal to no error.

Conveyor belts are critical in large factories as they can optimize transportation. It speeds up the movement of the raw material or product without backtracking. A conveyor belt will go along a linear path so long as it is designed to travel the shortest possible distance in the plant.

Size Reduction Equipment

When size reduction is performed manually, it will take a lot of energy and time. The hours wasted on manual size reduction are equivalent to losses in potential revenue as it limits the plant’s productive capacity. This is why it is crucial that size reduction is automated.

There are several kinds of equipment for this purpose, depending on the type of size reduction required for the production. Although they will require power and an operator, they will still be more cost and time-efficient than manually conducting the process.

If there is no size reduction equipment available for a particular process, the company can hire an engineer to design one for them. For these cases, it will be helpful for the plant to have a technician that can troubleshoot problems along the way. This is important if the plant manager wants to optimize the customized equipment.

Machines are becoming standard fixtures in factories for operations to be handled properly. They are crucial to meet the growing demand for goods caused by the world’s exponentially increasing population and demand. For any business to be successfully upscaled, automation is the key to its growth.