Technology and Digital Media Trends in Business

For companies to compete in an environment of uncertainty and continuous transformation, they need to leverage existing technology and the various tools provided by its growth. It includes hardware and gadgets and intangibles like digital media services and all things the internet.

As you consider these and other pertinent matters, take a closer look at three of the most critical technology and digital media trends in business today.

A Comprehensive Digital Marketing Approach

Almost a quarter into the 21st century, it is no longer enough for companies to engage in traditional advertising and promotional practices. Gone are the days when a TV commercial, a print ad on a popular magazine or newspaper, or a giant billboard inside an airport was all it took to engage with your audience.

Today, regardless of industry or field, enterprises big and small must implement a comprehensive marketing approach if they are to succeed. Among other things, it should include an online advertising strategy aimed at a younger generation of tech-savvy individuals who know exactly what they want.

Luckily, with change comes innovation and a different way to do things. For instance, as an entrepreneur wishing to become a franchisor, you can now work with an expert in internet marketing for franchises businesses. The same is true for any other type of organization you are involved in. All it takes is a sufficient amount of research, and you’ll find the right partner to guide your organization forward.

Big Data and Decision-Making

Whether in business, your personal life, or anywhere in between, the best decisions you make are when you have enough information. What this entails are two things.

First, quantity does matter. Needless to say, if you only ask a few people what they think of your product or service, this won’t give you an accurate indication of current consumer trends. Second, the data you gather should be relevant to your organization and what it is trying to achieve. Otherwise, it is simply a bunch of numbers, images, and graphs with no real value to your enterprise.

Enter big data management in decision-making, a robust yet flexible tool to gather, analyze, and interpret consumer information. Instead of crunching a few hundred numbers in an Excel sheet and trying to decipher what it all means, an artificial intelligence system will segregate what is meaningful from what isn’t. Furthermore, it will identify existing tendencies and the best possible strategy to take full advantage of them.

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Cybersecurity and the Cloud

Unless you take the camera itself, it is virtually impossible to steal the videos and pictures inside it if not connected to the internet. Therein lies the great irony of technological development. On the one hand, it allows you to access whatever you want regardless of location. On the other, it requires tighter security measures to protect what is yours.

For the vast majority of people, a few pictures here and there showcasing birthday celebrations, trips, and other details of daily life is not a matter of national security. Even if they were hacked, it would be tough for the culprit to engage in mechanisms of extorsion.

But that isn’t the case for organizations. For them, an online breach can represent millions of dollars in financial losses and an irreparable dent in their corporate reputations.

As a result, cloud services and cybersecurity concepts go hand in hand and need to be tackled collectively. It is futile for businesses to access all kinds of online tools if it represents a risk to confidential information. Likewise, suppose the data a company owns is incredibly safe but cannot be accessed quickly and conveniently. In that case, it won’t yield any gains to my organization.

As discussed, there are three key trends as it pertains to technology and digital media:

  1. The long list of comprehensive marketing alternatives all businesses have at their disposal.
  2. The growing influence of big data management in decision-making—from sales strategies to product development and consumer behaviors allows all enterprises to make better choices in real-time.
  3. The effective combination of cloud services and cybersecurity.

Clearly, integration and joint evolution are essential for these three components to be as effective as they should.

The world is constantly changing, and those who embrace it have the best chances of achieving corporate prosperity. And for companies to thrive, they must adapt to change. Without either of these three components, a business might not operate at optimal levels. Thus, as influential as these three issues are at present, they will only continue to be so for the years to come.