What You Need To Know Before Getting Veneers

There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that they want to have a healthy smile. Not only will this have a significant influence on our overall appearance, but our dental hygiene is also a reflection of our health. Many individuals only had limited access to dental treatments to keep their teeth healthy and white in the past few centuries. Fortunately, there are now many state-of-the-art medical treatments and operations that can keep our teeth in good condition.

Dental veneers are known for being one of the tried and tested ways of having a healthy-looking smile. Whether you have crooked or stained teeth, veneers are known for being one of the versatile solutions to chipped and stained teeth. Basically, this is one of the more straightforward solutions to hiding imperfections in natural teeth, especially when there are gaps in teeth or if certain teeth are misshapen.

But how do veneers work? Is it an excellent permanent solution to keeping your teeth white and presentable? Here are some essential things that you’ll need to consider in this situation:

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are widely popular among older individuals since this is a relatively simple way of masking damage to teeth. Essentially, dental veneers are made out of thin shells attached to the front side of the teeth. Although it might seem like a temporary solution to dental problems, this is actually permanent.

Veneers will have the same qualities as permanent teeth. However, there are still some key differences. Veneers are more narrow at the tooth’s base, where both the gums and the tooth meet. In most cases, these are made on-demand from different materials, such as resin and traditionally porcelain. Being made from these materials makes it blend well with the natural color of teeth.

Contrary to what most people believe, dental veneers are durable and can withstand a lot of pressure. Still, you’ll need to keep in mind that placing unnecessary stress on your veneers could compromise their integrity.

tooth veneer

What Are The Shortcomings Of Veneers?

But like other medical operations and dental treatments, there are some shortcomings that you’ll need to be aware of when it comes to dental veneers.

Getting a dental veneer is known for being permanent. This will also remove the thin layer of enamel right before it’s installed. This can make your teeth more sensitive to fluctuations in temperature. On top of that, they don’t provide proper temperature insulation.

Don’t want to commit to having veneers just yet? No worries; there are still a lot of ways of keeping your teeth as white as possible. Still, you’ll need professional help and supervision to ensure that your teeth are in pristine condition. The good news here is that you won’t have to look far since there are teeth whitening services that cosmetic dentistry experts do. Not only will this ensure that you’ll look good, but they are also known for being quite meticulous with cleaning teeth.

It’s also important to consider that veneers shouldn’t be treated as the ultimate solution to failing teeth. If you’re not quite sure what you should do, you’ll need to consult a medical professional on this matter immediately. While they are tough, they are not a be-all-end-all solution.

How Long Do Veneers Last?

So how long do veneers last? Well, it will ultimately depend on the material that’s used and how it’s being used. But on average, veneers will usually last for around 8 to 10 years. Once it’s closer to the end of its lifespan, it’s easier for it to chip and break.

It’s also crucial to keep in mind that cavities can still build up right under your veneers. That said, you should consistently maintain your teeth and gums when needed. Dental experts would suggest minimizing the usage of your veneers, with chewing and eating the only practical time on using it.

Like many medical operations and treatments that we do to our bodies, dental veneers also have their own pros and cons. If you’re planning on getting veneers, it’s best that you first consult with a dental professional and advice from other medical experts right before making any final decisions. Weighing in on the pros and cons can give you some idea of what to expect.

Remember: veneers are permanent. Although you might want to get veneers at the present moment, that doesn’t mean that you’ll be fine with it when the operation is done. It’s also important to keep in mind that you’ll need to maintain your veneers in the same way you’re going to take care of your teeth. Having proper dental hygiene can help stop unnecessary stress and damage to your veneers.