The 6 Best Sports and Recreation Concepts to Add to Your Home

If you’re looking to add more fun elements to your home to keep everyone active, engaged, and spend more time with one another, transform vacant areas in your property into spots dedicated to sports and recreational activities. From tennis courts to home theaters, these add-ons are perfect for everyone in the family.

Here are six sports and recreational spots you can incorporate into your home for more fun and lasting memories with your loved ones.

Tennis Court or Pool

If you have the budget and space, why not go big and have a pool expert or tennis court contractor transform extra space into a fun and entertainment hub. Adding either of these to your property provides your family with a fun area to pass the time on, encourage activeness, and increase your home’s overall value, making them a win-win addition to any household. Plus, having either of these makes your home feel and look more sophisticated.


A simple sport that you can dedicate a small space in your home with is darts. It’s a straightforward game that anyone of any age in your household can play. If you have a garage or arcade room at home, you can simply hang a dartboard on the doors, and you’re good to go. You can make the game more interesting by holding mini-tournaments and rewarding the winner with the most points with fun prizes.


Pool or billiard tables not only provide endless amusement at home, but it also increases your house’s aesthetic appeal. Economy pool tables can cost anywhere between $1,200 to $2,000, with others costing over $10,000. However, whichever pool table you buy, you can ensure fun family time, alongside other health benefits such as improving flexibility, stimulating the mind, and encouraging focusing skills.

If you have a dedicated gaming room, you can put the billiards table there, but if you don’t, you can place it in any spare room in your home as long as it has enough space to accommodate the players.

Boardgame Area

board game

In today’s world full of technology, it pays to have a room dedicated to fun classic pastimes such as board games, including scrabble, chess, or monopoly. You can transform a spare room in your home into a board game area by adding bookshelves (for storage or display), a large table, a couple of chairs or bean bags, a refrigerator for snacks or drinks, and everyone’s favorite board games.

Home Theater

Nothing beats watching the family’s favorite movies at home, and what better way to enhance the whole experience by making a dedicated home theater room? If you have the budget, transform an empty room into a mini cinema by investing in surround speakers, comfy reclining chairs, a large TV or projector screen, ambient lights, and a vintage popcorn machine for an authentic cinema experience at home.

However, if you don’t have the budget, transform your living room into a makeshift theater by adding snacks at the center table, closing all the windows, cranking up the sounds of your TV, and have the family gather around the sofa.

Make a Mini Arcade Area With Pinball Machines/Foosball

Although you can play games on your gaming consoles or computers, adding an arcade at home with classic pinball or foosball machines can provide everyone with several benefits besides fun. These include improving cognitive abilities and reducing stress.

Adding any of these sports and recreation spots in your house is a fantastic opportunity to let off some steam, allowing you to enjoy precious times with your family in the convenience of your home.