A Checklist For Your Party Planning

Birthday parties are all about having fun; however, for parents who are usually assigned to organize the party, it can be stressful and tiring. If the party is planned correctly, then organizing it will not be a difficult task. Using a party planning checklist will help you not forget a thing on the big day.

Some people opt for big parties, and some companies in Salt Lake City offer different services like stage rental, audio and lighting equipment, and video services. However, if you are one of those who prefer to have a smaller and more simple celebration, here is a checklist to help you ensure that you will not miss anything.


A few weeks before the party, you should have chosen your theme already to make it easier for you to decide on other things. Once you have already decided on your theme, here is a list that you will need to help you in organizing your party.

  • Date, time, and venue. Select a date and time and hire a venue. When choosing these, you should also take into consideration your guests, the weather, and your theme.
  • Guestlist. You must create a guest list to make sure that you did not forget to invite anyone, and to keep you on track to the number of guests that you are only supposed to have.
  • Invitations. Your invitation should include your theme, the date, time, and venue of your party, as well as the dress code. Aside from a paper invitation, you may also want to create an event on social media to create a buzz on your party and might help in maximizing its turnout.
  • Food. Decide whether you will just be cooking or if you will hire a supplier. If you are taking charge of the cooking, then come up with something easy to prepare to lessen the hassle on your part. However, if you will hire a caterer, it is essential to let them know all the details before they can propose a menu for you.
  • Cake. You may decide on baking and decorating the cake, but if you don’t have time to make one yourself, make sure that you ordered your cake a few weeks before your big day. Also, have some candles and a lighter handy in time for the candle blowing.
  • Party favors. Small toys, chocolates, and candies are affordable choices for party favors.

friends dining with lots of food

On the day

You may want to message your guests on the day of your party to remind them about the event. You will also want to message the details again to them to make it easier for them to remember the time and venue. While your guests haven’t arrived yet, here is your last-minute checklist.

  • Decorations. Make sure that your party decorations and centerpieces have already been put up before guests arrive.
  • Music. Double-check your playlist and conduct a soundcheck before your party to avoid any awkward silence while everyone is having fun.
  • Welcome your guests. To set the tone for the rest of the day, don’t forget to smile and to greet your guests with excitement.
  • Enjoy and relax. As long as you were able to organize your party well, you will not have to worry about any issue that may arise during your party. If you feel overwhelmed, your guests may feel it, too, which might make the atmosphere dull.

Lastly, don’t forget to thank and say goodbye to all of your guests, and hand them a party favor before they leave. If you want to use thank you notes, order them together with your invitations, then send them out a day or two after your party.