5 Adventurous Ideas for the Ultimate Girls’ Trip

Going on a trip with girlfriends is something that every woman should do at least once in their life. So whether you are a fresh college graduate or a busy working mom, here are some of the best adventure ideas that you and your best friends will love:

1. Ski trip

Aside from being an excuse to get Obermeyer women’s ski jackets on sale, a ski trip on a snowy mountain is one of the most adventurous activities that you can do with your girlfriends. Aside from the actual skiing, you can engage in other winter sports, such as snowboarding, ice skating, sledding, snowmobiling, and more. And of course, let’s not forget the cozy moments with your best friends while enjoying a cup of hot cocoa in front of the fire.

2. Beach trip

A vacation on the beach might be just what you and your friends need to relax and take a break from the daily grind. Local beaches are great if you want to stay close to home and make it easier for everyone to travel. But if you want to be a bit more adventurous, visit a beach in another city or state. If that’s still not enough adventure for you, you can consider traveling abroad to a tropical country with stunning beaches, like Thailand or the Philippines.

3. Camping

Camping will take you out of your comfort zone, especially if you haven’t done it in a while, and that is an adventure in and of itself. Nevertheless, camping is one of the best ways to unwind and disconnect from toxicity, all while enjoying nature and fresh air. Moreover, when done with your girlfriends, camping might be just as much fun as when you were 12 years old, maybe even more now that you’re old enough to take wine coolers with you.

4. International vacation

Going on a vacation in another country can be challenging to plan, especially when traveling as a group. You have to take care of a lot of things, such as flights, accommodations, itineraries, travel visas, and more. However, the effort is well worth the adventure of visiting another country. You get to enjoy new food, learn about the culture, visit landmarks, and meet new people with your closest friends. If anything, an international trip is one of the best ways to get closer to the people you’re traveling with.

It is also worth mentioning that there are women-led and women-only travel groups available in some countries. If this is something that your group prefers, you can try looking for an organizer while planning your trip.

5. City crawl

girls celebrate a bachelorette party of bride

Is visiting a famous city like New York or Las Vegas a bucket-list item for you and your girls? If so, maybe this is the time to finally check that item off the list.

Traveling with friends is one of the best memories that one can make in their lifetime. Whether it’s two cities away or in another country, getting to enjoy a new place with your closest friends is always worth it. Thus, if you’re planning to take a girls’ trip, consider these activities for your itinerary.